amazon cloud storage
amazon cloud storage




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安全、耐用且可擴展的物件儲存基礎設施。 12 個月免費. 5 GB 標準儲存. 20,000 個Get 請求. 2,000 個Put 請求. Amazon S3 定價».


Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) 是一種物件儲存服務,提供領先業界的可擴展性、資料可用性、安全性及效能。各種規模和業界的客戶可以存放和保護幾乎任何 ...

Cloud Storage on AWS

Millions of customers use AWS storage services to transform their business, increase agility, reduce costs, and accelerate innovation.

AWS 上的雲端儲存

物件、檔案和區塊儲存. Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3). 具有行業領先的可擴展性、可用性和安全性的物件儲存,讓您可以從任何地方存放和擷取任意數量的資料。 Amazon ...

Free Cloud Storage

Deploy cloud storage solutions using these product offers from the AWS Free Tier. · 12 MONTHS FREE · 5 GB · 12 MONTHS FREE · 30 GB · 1 GB · 12 MONTHS FREE · 5 ...

What is Cloud Storage?

Cloud storage providers manage capacity, security, and durability to make data accessible to your applications over the internet in a pay-as-you-go model.

Amazon Drive


Amazon Photos Storage

Prime members get unlimited, full-resolution photo storage and 5 GB video storage. Need more storage? Plans start at 100 GB and go all the way up to 30 TB.

What Is Amazon Drive?

Amazon Drive is a secure online storage service for your photos, videos, and files. Every Amazon customer gets 5 GB of free storage shared with Amazon ...

Amazon Cloud Drive



安全、耐用且可擴展的物件儲存基礎設施。12個月免費.5GB標準儲存.20,000個Get請求.2,000個Put請求.AmazonS3定價».,AmazonSimpleStorageService(AmazonS3)是一種物件儲存服務,提供領先業界的可擴展性、資料可用性、安全性及效能。各種規模和業界的客戶可以存放和保護幾乎任何 ...,MillionsofcustomersuseAWSstorageservicestotransformtheirbusiness,increaseagility,reducecosts,andaccelerateinnovation.,物件、檔案和區塊儲...